Monday, 30 April 2012

A May Without Meat

(Via Rob Kelly Illustration)
 Jumping right in to my list of goals (there's no time like now, right?) I've decided to make May the month I attempt to go vegetarian.  A vegetarian lifestyle is one that I have been curious about for what seems like forever.  Growing up the daughter of a butcher, with meat as a staple part of almost every dinner, it never seemed like a viable option for me.  Much like the aunt in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, my mother has often offered to cook Lamb for my vegetarian friends coming for dinner; so, there's that...

The more I read and converse with those who live a life without pulled pork, the more interested I have become in trying this in a way that will allow me to experience the health, nutritional, and environmental benefits that come with this choice in an authentic way.  I feel like a month will give me a good look into the life of a vegetarian, and will also give my body some time to respond to the changes I will be making in a way that is measurable. 

I have some amazing friends who are excited to share their experiences and recipes, so throughout the month I'll be featuring some "guest bloggers" (imagine!) along with my own thoughts on how I'm making out with the challenge.

If anyone has any tips, tricks, advice, or recipes to share...send 'em over stat!

Thursday, 26 April 2012

30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30

In a serendipitous twist of fate, the Huffington Post reviewed 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30 which hit the shelves this past Tuesday.  Based on a story published in 1997 by Glamour Magazine the book expands on the original list with advice from famous powerhouses such as Maya Angelou, Katie Couric and Hilary Clinton.  With 'should haves' such as having "one old boyfriend you can imagine going back to and one who reminds you of how far you’ve come" and 'should knows' that include "how to kiss in a way that communicates perfectly what you would and wouldn’t like to happen next" the book is being met with some harsh criticism for it's "fluffy" approach to what's really important.  Is this list a fun way to reflect on where you are (or want to be) at 30, or a major affront to women who should be able to make their own call on what they should or shouldn't have and know?  The fact that Lauren Conrad (of MTV Reality fame) is offering advice on the pages next to Maya Angelou might just be a red flag for me...

Lucky for me I have "...a’re not ashamed to be seen carrying" ;)

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

75 Years Young

This weekend we celebrated my Nonna Dora's 75th birthday.  We are so blessed to have both of our grandmothers still with us, and coming together with family to celebrate the life of this vivacious, wild, mischevious lady was a true gift.  I can only hope to accomplish as much as this woman in the next 45 years of my life.  Buon Compleanno Nonna!

The Birthday Girl!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

The Beginning

So I've been hemming and hawing (is hawing even a word?) over starting this blog; primarily because I knew that the first post was going to be the most difficult.  It's just so...awkward.  I imagine this is how it feels to write a profile for oneself on an online dating do I make them want me?  After some reflection, I realized that most likely, the only people who will read this blog regularly are my girlfriends Jillian and Rachelle-because well, they are ridiculously supportive friends and always excited to get into a good blog, and my husband because I will quiz him on it nightly.  That being it is, the first post.

I've also thought long and hard about what this blog will be about; I don't have a hobby like beekeeping or sustainable farming, don't have an etsy shop where I create dreamy headpieces that I can feature here, and don't take gorgeous photos that end up on the "most popular" section of really, what else is there? 

With the (fast) approach of my 29th birthday (August 19th for those of you who want to send a gift) I've been reflecting on some things that I'd like to accomplish in the short 15 months before I leave behind my late twenties to join the big 3-0 club.  I've come up with a list of 31 things (one extra for good measure, you know) that I'd like to have happen before my 30th birthday.  I've tried my best to be realistic (I really wanted to put-spend the summer on the Amalfi Coast-but that's probably not in the cards) and to set some truly attainable goals.  I know this is not the most novel idea-a list of goals...but nothing says "hold me accountable" like a public blog, and I'm hoping to both keep a record of how I go about striking things off this list, and satisfy my need to write-which has lay neglected since my long forgotten livejournaling days.

Hopefully I'll accomplish everything on this list...and perhaps learn a few things along the way.