Here we are at week 2 of my meatless month, and so far things are going well. It was a challenging weekend with a wedding and shower...I hadn't planned ahead for these so I ended up eating a whole lot of salad and green beans!
Tonight's dinner was falafals. The recipe is from my friend Andrea's website tasty and practical vegetarian cooking. I met Andrea though her husband Josh-who I worked with in the History departement at Bluevale. Josh's tasty and delicious smelling lunches were always the envy of everyone in the history office, so needless to say I was thrilled when Andrea started posting her recipes online. Even before I decided to forgoe meat, Charlie and I enjoyed the occassional recipe from her site.
Here's what Andrea has to say about their reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet:
Josh and I have been vegetarians for about 5 years now and there were a lot of factors that went into us making this decision. Health reasons were definitely an important one. The hormones and other additives in grocery store meat are a huge concern. Second, we were concerned about the impact of meat production and transport on the environment. Not only do animals consume a lot of grain and water but the transport of animals and meat has a lot of negative effects on the environment. Third, the factory farming of animals and horrible butchering practices are quite disgusting upsetting. We realize that we could buy local free-range, hormone-free and ethically butchered meat. It is way more readily available now than it was even 5 years ago but we feel that we are able to meet our dietary needs quite adequately with our vegetarian diet and we feel good about the things that we eat.
If I could have Andrea move in with me and work as my personal chef, I would eat like a queen every day! I have a few more of her amazing recipes to try out over the next few weeks, but in the meantime, check out her website for some tasty vegetarian meals.
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